Imagine yourself in the following situation. You have to use the bathroom. You can’t simply go. You have to ask an authority figure. That authority figure says no. They inform you that you don’t really have to go, you just want to wander the halls. Or that it’s not the scheduled time to go to the bathroom together. Or that you should have thought of that before you came. (Never mind that you didn’t have to go before you came.) So you have two choices. You can sit there, distracted by the impulse to relieve yourself. Or, you can go follow nature, knowing you’ll be punished for it.
Another regular scene of basic disrespect and unnecessary power struggle in compulsory schools.
In Sudbury schools, we avoid this nonsense. You go to the bathroom when you have to go to the bathroom, no need to subordinate a basic natural phenomenon to arbitrary authority.
Sean Vivier
Another regular scene of basic disrespect and unnecessary power struggle in compulsory schools.
In Sudbury schools, we avoid this nonsense. You go to the bathroom when you have to go to the bathroom, no need to subordinate a basic natural phenomenon to arbitrary authority.
Sean Vivier