Below are links to articles about the Sudbury model of education, as well as alternative education in general, and additional testimonials.

a_paradigm_shift_for_parents_of_a_child_in_a_sudbury_school.docx |

an_education_worth_struggling_for.docx |

the_birth_of_a_new_paradigm.docx |

the_public_school_nightmare.docx |

article_from_psychology_today_magazine.doc |

i_can_think_for_myself.pdf |

what_did_you_do_in_school_today.pdf |

why_schools_dont_educate.docx |

why_does_a_sudbury_school_work.htm |

why_not_have_classes.docx |
Is a Sudbury School radical? Check out this link in The Atlantic about democratic schooling.
Check out this wonderful Psychology Today blog by psychology professor Peter Gray about the roles of play and curiosity as foundations for learning: "Children come into the world with instinctive drives to educate themselves. These include the drives to play and explore. This blog is primarily about these drives and ways by which we could create learning environments that optimize rather than repress them."
A recent article by Peter Gray published in Reader's Digest, entitled "School is a Prison - and Damaging Our Kids"
Here are some videos from The Sudbury Valley School. If you are interested, there are many more to be found on YouTube:
Check out this wonderful Psychology Today blog by psychology professor Peter Gray about the roles of play and curiosity as foundations for learning: "Children come into the world with instinctive drives to educate themselves. These include the drives to play and explore. This blog is primarily about these drives and ways by which we could create learning environments that optimize rather than repress them."
A recent article by Peter Gray published in Reader's Digest, entitled "School is a Prison - and Damaging Our Kids"
Here are some videos from The Sudbury Valley School. If you are interested, there are many more to be found on YouTube: